Property Valuations for Estate Settlement by Reliable ResidentialEstate settlement is often stressful, but a very important job. As a trustee, you've been given the responsiblity to carry out the wishes of a loved one as promptly and with as much dignity as possible. You can count on Reliable Residential to act quickly and with as much empathy to the feelings of everyone in bereavement.Lawyers and accountants rely on our understanding when calculating real estate values for estates, divorces, or other disputes requiring a value being determined for real property. Sometimes, everyone involved will have their own requirements of how the appraisal process should work; however, our experience of the estate process definitely satisfy all parties involved. We assemble appraisal reports that out-strip the obligations of the legal system and assorted groups.
Settling an estate commonly demands an appraisal to suggest market value for the house in question. We sympathize that in this time of loss, even thinking about an appraisal report is the furthest thought from your mind. Of course, it's imperative to be there for your loved ones first. Our staff is accustomed to the practices and requirements necessary to provide a retrospective appraisal with an effective date and market value estimate matching the date of death. The ethical obligations explained within the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) keeps our company to confidentiality, ensuring the fullest degree of discretion for you. People often forget that the IRS needs documents filed to support the numbers involved in estate sales. Opinions of value used in documents provided to revenue authorities absolutely should be backed by a detailed report as to how the appraiser arrived at his conclusions. Such a report will clearly demonstrate to the IRS that the numbers used are accurate and substantiated. Reliable Residential will provide a well-founded appraisal, which will give an executor solid facts and numbers that will meet IRS and state agency requirements. It assures peace of mind to everyone concerned because we will always be there to stand behind the appraisal if it is ever challenged. |